reinvestment partners’ Recommendations
for Serving Medicaid members in the
Healthy Opportunities Pilots

removing barriers and building healthy opportunities for all

As part of a public comment process, we proposed removing barriers to success for Pilot participants, HSOs, and PHPs. We also proposed launching a rapid cycle assessment to gauge the efficacy of the current referral platform.

healthy opportunities for all: practitioner recommendations

As service providers in North Carolina’s 1115 Medicaid Demonstration Waiver, Reinvestment Partners offers recommendations on how to establish services that will be financially sustainable and integrated into healthcare in the long term.

healthy opportunities: barriers and pathways to success

Early on in the Waiver, we outlined specific threats to success and possible solutions to ensure quality service delivery, high enrollment, and a successful provider network within the Healthy Opportunities Pilots.

Survey Results

Survey Results

In 2023 Reinvestment Partners & NCDHHS launched expedited enrollment, a patient-centered way to increase enrollment in Healthy Opportunities Pilots. We connected 3,500 Medicaid members to services in less than six weeks. Through a survey, we learned 99% of participants said enrollment was easy or very easy and 93% of participants would highly recommend the program to family and friends.